As a midlife woman, you've lived through a lot and gained a wealth of experience and wisdom. You know what you like and don't like, and you're too tired to keep doing things you don't want to do. You've stopped worrying so much about what others think, and frankly, you're fed up with all the nonsense out there.
With your kids possibly grown and your work established, you might have more space or at least recognize the need for it. You now have more resources, both internal and external, than when you were younger, and you know yourself better than ever.
And still, there may be something else calling you – something more.
And I’m here to assure you, there is more.
A new phase.
A surrendering of the old, outdated, and outgrown.
A pause to reflect on the old and welcome the new life that is calling.
It's a rebirth. This is your second spring.
This is where the story gets good
Because this is YOUR life.
Your passion.
Your dreams.
Your vision.
This is where you put it all together and live your most radiant life.
But you need the tools. In this 5 part series, I’m going to walk you through the key areas needed to transform your experience of midlife and menopause.
This is based on my 3 decades of clinical work with women and my own unique journey as a midlife woman.
These are foundations and resources missing from our modern-day story of menopause.
This will help put you back in the driver's seat of menopause journey. So whether you’re just starting to experience peri-menopause or you're deep in the transition, this is for you.